Thursday, June 30, 2011

Post Op Day One

So I had abdominal surgery yesterday and despite my nerves, it all went great. Today I feel like I did too many sit ups but have not used the prescription pain medication, opting for liquid Tylenol instead. I am on clear liquids until next Wednesday when I start mushy foods. I walked for 10 minutes every two hours today, drank one ounce of fluid every fifteen minutes, and had a teaspoon of sugar free jello. The best part of my day was my shower, but everything makes me tired. So I started this journey at 294, went into surgery at 287, and am 284 today. The goal I have with my physicians is to get to 135-140 and re-evaluate from there. I am going to take each loss a day at a time and be thankful to my body for carrying me through.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Obvious

Nervous does not even begin to cover it and poor G is out of his mind with angst and worry.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Final Countdown

So, I am having surgery in a few days. My pre-op is done, my medication is filled, and I am the first case Wednesday morning. I am changing my life completely. I have stopped taking much of my medication, some as a self-directive and some as physician directed. G bought me a kick ass elliptical that he constructed in the basement and I have made new BFFs at Max Muscle. I have 166 pounds to lose after losing a few pounds over the past few weeks. I start an all clear liquid diet on Tuesday, which consists of a clear protein drink, chicken broth, apple juice, water, and sugar free jello. I am anxious, nervous, and trying to be uber organized about everything. I will be on liquids the first 5 days after surgery, we go.