Sunday, September 25, 2011

They Say It's Your Birthday

Yes, today I am 39. Holy Crap- my last 30-something birthday. I guess getting older is a good thing given that the alternative is death. The best part of the weekend was that I ran a tiny bit and that got me inspired to do a little more of that. My beautiful friend reminded me how powerful running is as a competition with yourself through her blog and I yearn to feel that again. I have a lot to do in this next year and it's time to board the train.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Back in the saddle again

So I have been super busy, we have a new addition to our family: Kerstone's Baron Maximillian Von Atticus, the cutesy German Shepherd pup. My 2nd fill has taken hold and I am back to losing weight again. With the new puppy, I am getting more walking in. Little has started dancing, which gives me time to swim too. This is a marathon and not a sprint.