Saturday, May 31, 2008

And May I Announce.....

This has been the most exciting week for me. First, my promotion was announced and I am now a supervisor. How is that for my first 120 days? Next I passed the exam and received my CHAA certification from NAHAM. I am the first CHAA within my organization. My Little had her Pre-K graduation ceremony, almost a week after my oldest step-son graduated high school. My week was topped of with the Sex and the City movie, which of course I saw on opening days. I also found out that Jen Lancaster is coming to town to promote her new book: Such A Pretty Fat. She wrote on her blog that she has started her fourth book. Yea!

So what is next for me you might ask? Well, let me tell you....
The next promotion for me would be Manager, so I am reading all the requirements for that. I want to finish my degree and I am pretty sure that is one of the requirements. I believe that you should work/dress for the position you want and not the position you have.

The next certification for NAHAM is the CHAM, which I cannot take until the Fall. (I think).

I have kids starting kindergarten, junior year of high school, and college in August.

Did I mention Jen Lancaster?

While Sex & the City was everything I had hoped, it is bitter sweet in that it is totally and truly over. Just like that Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda will carry on their lives without us. The men were totally the men I wanted/needed them to be. But truly, this deserves its very own entry.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Baseball & My Breasts- what else is there?

I don't care what anyone says, the fact that MLB players use pink bats on Mother's Day makes me a bigger fan and let me just say that everyday is a HOLLIDAY. When I was 15, the love of my life (KMD and not, JAG for those keeping score) played baseball and I could have given two shakes about the game - maybe he should have used a pink bat! So one of the girls I work out with and I have a running joke about our breast sizes - she is as small as I am endowed, so I am all for eradicating breast cancer. Heaven help me if I am struck with such a disease! In all seriousness, I think these guys are a class act for using these bats, though they must get a fair amount of grief for it. I saw an article where both ARod and Jeter would be using them. I just off work and have only recently turned on the Rockies game, so I do not know which of my players have them, but I know they do. Thanks men!

I have injured my knee and oh gawd it hurts. I am trying to get into fighting shape for the Tri for the Cure in August and damn I think I over did it on Friday. So now I am just plain mad about my damned knee.

I am in a much better mood than I was last week. I am waiting for some news about a potential promotion and was supposed to know by Friday. That did not happen and so I am supposed to know by the end of this coming week. However, I have made the decision to not think about it at all. I also had an argument with G on "date night" and then he left town for a conference. I do not do well stewing about things, they escalate in my mind and then I get emotional without logic - which is a dangerous brew. We have resolved the issue, but man it made for a long week.

Happy Mother's Day to you and yours. The Padres have just defeated the Rockies, so I have to go find a happy place now.......

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday is My Hump Day

I am having tremendous fluctuations in my mood this week. I have experienced the high highs and the low lows. Not like killing myself or anything, but if you know me, then you know I am a glass half full kind of person. I continue to have these feelings of needing to change everything about my life that I have not changed in the past 6 months and then snapping out of it to remember how fortunate I am in my life. It is truly exhausting and I will be happy when I can sit with myself and reflect. For now, G is still out of town and I am rushing around my life with madness, sadness, gladness, happiness, and knowing full well I am acting like a crazy person. Completely out of character, I called one the ED nurses a Dirty Whore and although he really is a dirty whore, the comment was inappropriate and I am like the appropriate police at the hospital right now. My very best friend has told me that I am normal. That things will even out when G comes home and I get news on the promotion I am up for, and 100 other things reconcile themselves. Even if she is totally lying to me, I love her. She had to remind me that she cried last week and I was there for her. WOW-thank God I am a good friend and that I have a good friend that reminds that I am capable of more than craziness!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Not Tonight, I'm Too Tired.....

I started my day with the birth of a baby. A new life came into the world in our emergency department. I ended the day negotiating with a 4 yr old who hates bed time and makes it a nightmare for anyone trying to talk her into actually getting some rest. It dumbfounds me that children spend so much time trying to get out of going to bed, when adults spend so much time trying to get to bed - for one reason or another.

There is so much I want to write about catalysts and judging a book by its cover - full well knowing that we are not talking about books when we say that, and then there is the politics that I want to delve into and yet, with my husband out of town and me as a single mommy, I am just too exhausted to think. I do not think the training session I had tonight with Psycho Liz helped. Anyhow, I have profound and provocative things to write about, just not tonight.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Oh I am in love with May. Not because of Mother's Day or Memorial Day, or Cinco de Mayo, or even the beautiful May Day. No, May brings Jen Lancaster's ( new book; Such a Pretty Fat. I have waited for this for many months and if you are reading my blog regularly, you will remember that Bitter is the New Black and Bright Lights, Big Ass had me snorting, rolling off the couch, and chasing all things in my house away. Seriously, any woman married to a man that calls her an "ass hat" while bent over the freezer case of a designer grocery store wretched in pain from their own version of slugbug is my new best friend - even if only from a distance! This is a must read.

Reason #2 for my May celebration is the release of the SEX IN THE CITY movie!!!!!! How could you not be on the edge of your seat waiting for the return of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha. Then there are the MEN of the City: Big - what can you say about him that has not been said? Smith makes the elastic in my panties melt - and he is on the cover of Men's health this month for goodness sake. It is all I can do when in my gym to not lick their edition. Call me strange, but I think Harry has something that makes him desirable as well. Just not naked on the white couch! Steve is sweet and cute, but not my type - and yes, there is such thing as not my type - BITCHES! 135 minutes of fabulous and I only have 25 days to wait.

In case you are wondering, I have talked my friends into seeing the film at the first showing on that Friday. Is 10:45 too early for pomegranate martinis smuggled into the local theatre?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Is Happily Ever After A Fairy Tale?

So I have had an interesting week with the women in my life. On Friday, I went to see Made of Honor with one of my very best friends, who happens to be almost 15 years older than I am and has been married for more than 20 years-giving her an interesting perspective on love, marriage, and the next step in her life as the empty nest is moving toward her in clear view. So this movie was romantic and there were passionate kisses, and there was PATRICK DEMPSEY. If you do not love him, please don't tell me because there is really no reason not to - and don't give me the "he is looking a little weathered around the eyes" bit, because Holy Shit, that makes him even more beautiful than his teenage geeky Can't Buy Me Love days! Anyhow, our conversation afterwards was whether or not love could remain passionate and fresh and all of the things that these movies portray and my friend said emphatically No. But I want to disagree, I want love to be passionate and fresh and funny and important. I want to be in love and giddy and all of those obnoxious things with every fiber of my being every day and beyond my daughter, I want it to be the most important thing in my life. I want to disagree so badly and yet I am not living that kind of love and neither is anyone I know. In fact, there are more women talking about having dirty sex with men who are not their husbands than there are who are even talking about their own husbands. I had dinner tonight with my two best friends, girls I have known since middle school. I cannot even tell you how awry that conversation went, and then hair bands started to play and two of us laughed about the memories that music conjured up. I am not unhappy, but I know women who are and what the hell is so hard about marriage and relationships? Do women want too much? And why can we not have it all?