Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

So I went in for my two week follow up from my first fill. Based on the fact that I have lost less than a pound since my fill, I needed another one. In all fairness, she told me it might not be enough for a proper restriction, so she was not at all surprised. I am back on liquids until tomorrow, when I go back to soft foods. So I go back in two weeks and hope to have more traction. I know, 1-2 pounds a week is the target loss, but less than 1 in 2 weeks is totally deflating!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Apparently Today is Day One

So I went in yesterday for my first fill. I have a 14 cc band and was given 6 cc's for restriction. I was scared to death about a needle being inserted into my stomach, but I only felt the sensation of old saline moving through my port. So today is technically the beginning of my weight loss journey, despite me losing weight after surgery. That almost 20 pounds is considered a bonus, so whoo hoo for a bonus! I ave been only liquids and soft foods since and must be strict on only 4 ounces at a time. Ok, let's roll.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Step Forward and One Step Back

Today was my last day at home recovering before I go back to work. I decided last night to keep Little at home from day camp so that we could do some baking and go swimming. So I got up to Little announcing that the neighbor's chickens had flown into our yard. With an over-protective 120 pound German Shepherd, any living thing in the backyard is in danger. We made healthy blueberry bars, had lunch with G, and then went off to the pool. I got several laps and swam for 30-45 minutes before I was interrupted by Little and her friends wanting me to play. That was my success of the day.

My failure, I ate too much at dinner and would really appreciate a case of bulimia right now, but no.

You win some and you lose some!