Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm Alive!!!!

This year has had its share of ups and downs, but I am well. One of my employees was terminated due to long-term disability, never left the hospital due to the infection she contracted from the facility, and died in March. My heart was broken as I spent the year she was in the hospital reading to her, visiting with her, and providing strength and love to her adult children. I left DH in April for a promotion and career path with KP and needed to get away from the dysfunction of the Executive staff. My Mimi died in April, making me incredibly thankful that Little and I went to visit her last year. I graduated with a Masters' degree in May, G and I celebrated 9 years of marriage in July, and Little is at Girl Scout camp. My running sucks, my job is great, and my family is everything to me. I am traveling quite a bit, but that should slow down after November. Yes, I am alive and I am living!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome baby New Year

I am not sorry to see 2011 retire itself. What an incredibly difficult year we had with the death of our beloved Gunther dog, my surgery, a case of Shingles for me, the death of my beloved father in law, and dis-satisfaction with our current jobs. In 2012, I will graduate with my MBA, Little will turn 8, both our boys will be in their 20's, G turns 50, and I turn 40, while we celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary and the 14th year as partners. There is so much to look forward to, including my continued physical transformation. I am sure I have gone into each new year with a certain level of optimism, but I hope that I represent a new level than ever before. I feel so alive and engaged in this year to come and hope that there are additional reasons to celebrate in 2012.