Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Generation Gap is a grand canyon

My mother had the audacity to tell me that I will not be able to get a job in the future if I continue to use social media as a platform for my opinions of Barack Obama. That future employers will not tolerate my disrespect of the office. This is funny for two reasons, 1). I am 40 years old, have a Master's degree, and am very capable in my field of work, and 2). She is almost 62 and has never had a career. On top of this, I am very patriotic when it comes to the Office of the President, but I have no resect for the sitting President. Case in point, Mr. Obama addressed the media two days ago and said that it was time for the wealthy to "pay their fair share". I find this so incredulous on a couple of levels. One, they pay taxes and even if it is only 10-15%, that is a hell of a lot of money, on top of which they contribute to charitable causes - which is what brings their taxable income down to a level that allows them to pay a smaller percentage and keep organizations such as the Red Cross, the Komen Foundation, and the American Cancer Society up and running. It was the wealthy that bridged the gap for those who lost everything in Louisiana and responded before the Federal government did when Hurricane Sandy devastated the east coast. So under the vain of fair share, how much of the "share" did undocumented residents pay, or poor individuals that now receive welfare, that could work two jobs to make ends meet, but do not, and do not get me started on the amount of fraud and abuse the Medicaid system takes under the pressure of those who make the decision not to work. And I am not just offended on behalf of my own tax dollars, but one behalf of the person who really needs the aid and cannot get it because Mr. Obama believes $500 million dollars is necessary to take assault rifles out of the hands of people who would procure them legally. Here is what is fair, the United States ceases to recognize the needs of anyone who is not in this country legally, children cannot go to public school unless their parent's pay taxes, or an annual "tuition" that includes the additional expenses to the school district for having to pay unbudgeted and high salaries to teachers specializing in ESL, poor adults without children should get a second job to make ends meet the same way most f have had to in our lifetimes, and those who are on unemployment for more than 6 months should be required to enter into a vocational education that makes them employable. Parents of the same children should not be able to receive Medicaid in two different states as a double payment and Medicaid should have a term limit. All aid should come with the caveat that the recipients give back to the community in some way, whether it is picking up trash or helping in the schools, etc. Healthcare reform should be a true reform and not an attack on health care given that so many industries contribute to the high cost including the education, legal system, medical supplies, technology, and so forth and quite frankly, the government should stay out it given that they are only creating more expense, have no idea what they are trying to regulate, and have yet to deploy and sustain a successful program.

So rather than to deter me from airing my dissatisfaction with my appointed representation, my mother has done quite the opposite because I am a tax paying citizen that respectfully disagrees with the direction this country is headed and will not sit down and be polite about it. I am free to address my public officials in any means necessary and not just with the problems, but I have solutions.

In 3 days, I will mourn the illogical decision that was made to remain damned by status quo and then I will tackle the 1460 days of Obama's Obstinacy.

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