Saturday, April 26, 2008

These Are The Days of My Life....

Have you ever had one of those weeks in which you lay awake worrying, stay up late doing research, and getting lost during conversations with people? All the while putting on a happy face and conducting your life like nothing is happening? That is the week I have had. Needless to say, G and I are having to make one of those terrible decisions that shake you to the core. I had one breakdown that caused me to have to pull over in my car to calm down. The second breakdown of the week came on Friday, when we actually received some good news as a surprise. I was so exhausted and so taxed, that all I could do was burst into tears in the office of the very person providing the good news. I am not a crying, breakdown person, so I am sure I scared the hell out of this person, as well as more poor husband. We have not survived this alteration, but I plan on writing a book, blogging, and sharing this story, as it is a journey and one that most people take without support.

I had an opportunity to spend some time on the various units within our hospital. I have always thought that I would find my way into the surgery service. Things were quiet, so I offered to take on the tasks of our verifiers (which got me some strange looks, but if you don't know me, then you have no idea that I prefer to stay busy, even if it means hunting down tasks that are not mine!). The floors are so quiet and so, I don't know, clean. The halls are lined with work space where surgeons, residents, nurses, and the like, sat charting. Ugh. It was too quiet. I finished my task and got back to the ED as quickly as possible. So we are responsible for the urgent care clinics also, but even those facilities are busy, busy, busy, and exciting in their own respects. So I was registering a patient in the ED, which required me to go to the patients room, and he says to me, "Didn't I know you in prison?". This was funny on many levels: 1) I have never been in prison, 2) The medicine desk is right outside this particular room and everyone heard him say this to me, 3) Even if I was in prison, I would have been in the women's facility, while my new friend would have been with the men. So I replied, "Sir, I do not do confined spaces, and I certainly do not do stripes of any sort!" These are the days of my life.

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