Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Baby Steps

I am a step closer to knowing what I should be doing and it is based on the fact that I have gotten a tad bit depressed in the last three days. I know for sure, that I need to be around people. If not every day, then every other day. It is not enough just to talk to 100 people on the phone or via email. I need to look you in the face and give you an old fashion "Howdy"!
Secondarily, a friend of mine told me that I am good at calling people I do not know and asking them to do what I need them to do (this has been true in a couple of cases). In fact, two different people, who do not know each other, told me today I should be a fundraiser. Ok, I can buy this, but it would have to be for something I am passionate about. Could it really be that I have taken one step toward the nonprofit world?

I also learned today that when I get flustered and have no idea what to say, I say the complete wrong thing. I am working on honesty and being a really supportive friend, but sometimes I just plain suck. I don't mean to be ridiculous, but at the end of the day, I am a total goof ball. This why I laugh when people tell me that I can be intimidating - At the end of the day, I am just a goof ball.

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