Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Disaster 2009 Chapter Two

So I have been in bed for two days. I woke up at 3am Christmas Day needing to visit the potty. What I discovered was that I could not move and each time I tried, I was delivered a healthy blow of debilitating muscle spasms in my lower back. I had to cancel Christmas breakfast, which I had mostly prepared for 9 others, I spent all of 1/2 hour in front of the tree, after being helped down the stairs, and have been in bed ever since. Things are getting better, but I am miserable. First of all, I have spent two days in bed rather than playing with my Little, cooking, cleaning, or anything else I had planned for my days off.

There is a lesson here. I have taken my body for granted and I am both evil and hard on it. I will be 40 in a matter of a 2 1/2 years and I need to get my health under control well in advance of that event. I need to get my sugar levels under control, I need to get my thyroid levels under control, I need to get consistent with my diet and with my exercise and apparently, I need to work on strengthening my core so that my back can carry me through the holidays, celebrations, and my demanding everyday life.

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