Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Updates, Updates, and more Updates!

So where were we? Things got worse before they got to where they are today. I had to pull Little out of her after-school program in haste due to safety issues. I am not 100% sure of our option when school starts again. The good news is that she will start 1st grade when she goes back. Her tests schools were really good. I wanted her to progress and the Principal wanted to put her in the GT program. I won. Actually, Little won!

School is out for now and I am desperately waiting for my GPA to post and the candidacy application for graduation and news on my MBA application. I am applying for every scholarship I can find. I really need to pay for my current loans and have someone other than me pay for my Masters. I am interested in a Doctorate program and will have to take the GRE, get Executive letters of recommendations, and be ready to submit my application about this time next year.

I love my job and feel so much satisfaction from the challenges I face. I do miss my little bird, the hustle and bustle of the hospital, my old staff, and the emergency room. I guess I have come to realize that the higher I go, the less interaction I will have with the gemba. I have sent in a proposal to present at one of the industry conferences in May. I will be both excited and terrified if I am accepted as a speaker. I have many initiatives beginning in 2010 which will mean so much to the organization both culturally and financially.

My running is non-existent. I did really well until things with Little fell apart and she stopped eating and sleeping. My diet is getting better and I am focusing on water. I am on vacation right now and working hard at staying hydrated. I have done almost nothing in the past four days, with the exception of laundry, some housework, grocery and Christmas shopping, and some baking. So, ok, I guess I have gotten more done than I thought.

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