Sunday, May 29, 2011


So here is where I am: my thyroid is not working producing high amounts of TSH for which I take thyroid medicine, my hemoglobin A1C is high and I am insulin resistant so I take metformin. The difficulty is that I cannot get my TSH and Hemoglobin A1C normal at the same time, which equates to constant re-adjustment of one med or another. Additionally, I take a zoloft substitute in an effort to maintain my energy level since I have not been sleeping through the night, which makes it difficult to want to exercise, which I cannot seem to manage on a consistent basis anyhow. A week ago, my physician prescribed a new medicine that was originally developed for seizures and strokes, but has been found to work for chronic migraine patients, of which I am one. Happily, I have not had one migraine since I began taking this little pill of perfection and the side effects are drowsiness - read: sleep like I am dead and loss of appetite - read: eat like a bird. So, needless to say, this is my favorite because it actually has results that I can apply to my daily life.

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