Sunday, May 11, 2008

Baseball & My Breasts- what else is there?

I don't care what anyone says, the fact that MLB players use pink bats on Mother's Day makes me a bigger fan and let me just say that everyday is a HOLLIDAY. When I was 15, the love of my life (KMD and not, JAG for those keeping score) played baseball and I could have given two shakes about the game - maybe he should have used a pink bat! So one of the girls I work out with and I have a running joke about our breast sizes - she is as small as I am endowed, so I am all for eradicating breast cancer. Heaven help me if I am struck with such a disease! In all seriousness, I think these guys are a class act for using these bats, though they must get a fair amount of grief for it. I saw an article where both ARod and Jeter would be using them. I just off work and have only recently turned on the Rockies game, so I do not know which of my players have them, but I know they do. Thanks men!

I have injured my knee and oh gawd it hurts. I am trying to get into fighting shape for the Tri for the Cure in August and damn I think I over did it on Friday. So now I am just plain mad about my damned knee.

I am in a much better mood than I was last week. I am waiting for some news about a potential promotion and was supposed to know by Friday. That did not happen and so I am supposed to know by the end of this coming week. However, I have made the decision to not think about it at all. I also had an argument with G on "date night" and then he left town for a conference. I do not do well stewing about things, they escalate in my mind and then I get emotional without logic - which is a dangerous brew. We have resolved the issue, but man it made for a long week.

Happy Mother's Day to you and yours. The Padres have just defeated the Rockies, so I have to go find a happy place now.......

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