Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Changing of Seasons and Sounds of...Seagulls?

So I have been busy interviewing, organizing my house (one room at a time), enjoying my friends, exercising, and reading. G and I have had some pretty heavy and deep conversations about our relationship, our family, and our careers. We get so busy and are such different people that when we do not take the time to connect on a regular basis, we drift apart like wood in a raging river. I am a person that romanticizes the "what could have been" relationships in my life and do so with no benefit to myself or to those who genuinely love me. When things get hard in my real life, I am able to create a fiction that feels calm, safe, and delicious in my own mind. So my goal for November is to live in the moment and be present in my very own life as it looks today. Good Luck to me!

So I walked out of "Bucky's" the other day with my grande nonfat no-foam sugar-free vanilla latte (George Carlin would call me a big asshole as the longer the order, the bigger the asshole by his definition) and was admiring Fall. I love the burst of color in the trees. Green is green but as Fall arrives the trees flash a calm yellow, festive orange, and fiery red that makes me warm, even with the dropping temperature. As I was caught up in my surroundings, I heard the call of birds. Seagulls actually. Seagulls? Yes, truly! They were floating in the sky above a light post like puppets on a string. I found this curious until I realized how smart these birds must be in escaping the air of California during the tragic fires. I imagine that the fires are what drove them East as I have not seen them here before. So this got me thinking about the way we live our lives. Animals can sense danger, toxic situations, and adjust their lives to protect themselves. Do we necessarily do the same thing as human beings? Or do we just "rub some dirt on it" (thank you Peyton Manning) and try to power through? Just a heavy question for a light Thursday!

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