Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Off The Grid

I am trying to make a decision. It feels like the hardest decision I have had to make in quite along time and because I am a Libra, decisions are hard for me as I require balance. Making decisions is not synonymous with balance. I have sought the advice of my husband, my best friends, my horoscope, I have prayed - with no response, and am looking for a Magic 8 ball. I am cautious as I have made bad decisions in the past and I want this to be the right one. The more I think, the more nervous I get. I was woke up at 3am with a different thought than I have now at 3pm. I am not trying to be flaky, really I am not, but I do not like change.

I am eating soup for dinner and am so happy for the cold temperatures. I do not make the soup, but one day I will. I am loving pumpkin right now, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin muffins - all until I got to the pumpkin soup. It was ruined by the over-bearing flavor of cinnamon, which is the evil of all spices. Why, why ruin my perfect soup?

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