Friday, November 23, 2007

Get Some Shutterfly!

It is 9 degrees outside in good ole Colorado. I am pretty sure that I will have to hold my nose to the stove to get it warm. I am not a cold natured person, but this is damn cold. So, dinner was not the disaster that I thought it would be. The wine I bought was fantastic and Dad watched Eddie Izzard's Dressed To Kill with us. (It is about time given the fact that G & I gave it to him for Christmas last year!) If you have never seen Eddie Izzard, I highly recommend you put it in your NetFlix cue immediately. He is an Executive Action Transvestite and extremely intelligent in his humor. So it took me a minute to get over the fact that he wears more make-up than I do, but right off the bat he clarifies that he is attracted to women and gay men who wear women's clothes are Drag Queens. Hence the difference!?! Funny, Funny!

So do you know Shutterfly? If you do not, you must: I have a huge love affair going with this site and have since the birth of my "Little". I personalize our Christmas cards, thank-you cards, party invites, and have as of last year, started making calendars. My Auntie M said that she loved her 2007 calendar so much that she would like one for 2008. So today, I spent 2 1/2 hours creating perfection. It is the best I have created thus far. You simply must try it out!

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