Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Champagne

I swear I am not hiding from the holidays or from my blogging duties. I am truly busy and a little lazy when it comes to posting - or having a thought to post. My tenor of unemployment is coming to an end I feel and so I am trying to enjoy every last minute. I have been working out with a personal trainer and a couple of women I know and love, cleaning out the house, selling stuff on eBay, reading, walking, trying to cook/eat better, having lunch with my husband, I took my "Little" to the Disney Princesses on Ice (midway through, I started thinking about my friend Slappyjack (, who apparently went to dinner with his ex-wife and my wonderful friend Jocelyn (, and working for a friend who owns a business and needs little things done to make her life more sane and manageable. All this and I am addicted to Run's House, Code Blue, and Life in the E.R.

Last night was the holiday party for my book club. I made cheese grits - yummy! and drank strawberry Bellini's made with champagne. Our gift exchange required that we bring our favorite book from when we were eight. I took the first book to the Little House on the Prairie set. I loved those books so much. I would love to hear what books you read when you were 8 that have had a lasting impact. Back to the girls, It is amazing how different we are, but how well we mingle and converse. There is a sense of sisterhood among us and we are friends. I love these women and am so thankful that I have this in my life.

I have phase one of an interview for the job I actually want - so keep your fingers crossed!!

1 comment:

pregamejocelyn said...

Okay, can I just say...


there is nothing more addicting on TV.