Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Children of September 11th

On September 11th, Oprah had a show on the Children of 9/11 Six Years Later. Sitting on the stage are the children that lost their mothers and fathers. It has taken me this long to know that I can watch it. To hear their stories, to witness their continued pain, to know that they will never get that parent back. The loss of memories to come - graduations, weddings, sharing their own children. I know because it is what I feel when I think about losing my daughter. I mourned for the loss of her delicate and beautiful life and have spent the remainder of time mourning for the memories and life we would never have together. On one hand, these children are lucky in that they hold on to memories of perfect parents.

We as a Nation have forgotten the suffering of that day. I see little acknowledgement of the suffering that continues within these children, the single parents left behind, the friends, and the families. If we leave Iraq, all of these lives lost will be in vain - the soldiers, the civilians, the children. How ever you feel about the war, feel that about September 11th. Do not ever forget that the pain and suffering of that day does not end with the return of our troops or because we replace those towers. We will never be the same. Do not ever forget.

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