Friday, September 26, 2008

The Good News Is...

So every once in a blue moon, I actually read my old blogs. Being that I have already stated that I feel angst about my birthdays, I will not go over that again, but my post from last year was an eye opener. I am not angry this year and I think a lot of that is due to the massive changes I have made to my life in over the past 12 months. Instead, I feel strong and capable to fulfill my dreams. To finish my degree and move towards a Masters program. To work towards a healthy body that will continue to carry me forward and allow for me to grow old gracefully. To strengthen my financial status through budget and smart spending so that I can some day retire, while having the opportunity to provide well for my Little. These are all things that I did not consider possible a year ago - or at least it all felt like an overwhelming burden. The reality is that time will continue to pass and I will continue to get older. What I do with that time is in my control.

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