Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time Does Not Heal Everything

The good news- we opened up a brand new Pediatric Emergency Department that is state of the art and in a central location for those who cannot travel to Children's, which is now located way out East. The bad news- we opened up a brand new Pediatric Emergency Department that draws in sick children that could potentially die and sometimes do. It hurts my heart so much. I know what those parents are going through, I know that every breath is a struggle, and to stay calm is asking the impossible. I know what it is like to hear the Doctor say I am sorry, we did everything we could. Oh my God, I know.

The struggle for me is to stay intact and there are times in which the struggle feels like climbing the side of a cliff. For me, the struggle is to acknowledge the emotion, where it comes from, and to move on without a pint of Ben & Jerry's or a triple fudge brownie. My struggle is to honor my past while maintaining the momentum to move forward.

They say time heals all wounds, but they never buried a child.

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