Friday, September 5, 2008


I got to see a couple nights of the RNC. First let me say that whomever vetted the attendees, should be fired immediately. Second, I am so entirely disappointed by NBC and their coverage, that I may not watch anything else they have to offer for the remainder of the election season. Instead of listening to Fred Thompson, I had the privilege of listening to commentary - screaming "Are they serious" the entire time. Now, I am an MSNBC/NBC girl all the way, but this was so unprofessional that I am ashamed and disenchanted with unbiased journalism. In fact, I watched PBS the second night.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Mr. Huckabee. I thought he was intelligent and clever. Mitt Romney was also clever and entertaining. I thought Giuliani was lacking in that I have seen him stir and move even the most stoic of crowds.

When announced, I was not thrilled with Sarah Palin as the choice. That being said, she has completely won me over. She is smart, driven, dedicated, and works her tail off to have it all. Her husband is hot too. Yes, I am a fan of good ole Sarah Palin!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering when I would get to see something on your opinion of the Republican VP choice. I was taken by her ability to speak, but I kept coming back to her newborn and the attention and care that must go into a child with special needs. I don't have kids, so I can't give a full opinion, but I do find myself gravitating away from that whole 'women can have it all' and more towards 'a child needs its mother'. I hope I'm not too archaic, but still she's got spunk, and being a non-voter/democratic voter, I do have to give her that.

COLOgal said...

I respect your comments and thoughts on our next VP. I struggle with this too, but being in the healthcare care industry that supports a large "special needs" population my opinion is this: I have seen plenty of "stay at home" mothers that do not give their children, special needs or not, the time of day. I hae also seen working mothers who are too exhausted by their work to give their children the time of day. I think that having a career that you love and traveling a path that you have selected makes you a well rounded person - and I must point out, No one has this opinion about the male candidates. Do Obama's children need him less because he is just their father? Studies show that a girl's relationship with her fahter determines her relationship with men as adults.