Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 in 37:04

So, two miles in 37:04 today and holy crap-I am proud. I ran, but could not get my breathing in cadence with my steps. I did not drink enough water and had a flem issue that I could not clear up while on the treadmill. Those two things aside, I ate well and went to the gym. I wanted to quit at 32 minutes, because my knee was giving me problems, but I had to get to the two mile mark. G is running 6 miles a day and is looking at running a half marathon in September and I would really like to be in that place also, but for now, I am going to work towards getting to 3.1 miles and running them strong.

1 comment:

sllygrl said...

You go girl! that is awesome! I've got flem issues too, all the time. Sometimes I'll grab a paper towel and sort of pretend I'm blowing my nose but spit in it instead. If I'm outside I'm spitting like a trucker - E is never entertained. So glad you got out - you Rock!