Thursday, February 19, 2009

Virus All The Way Around

This has been a difficult week, though it started well with the exercise. I am fighting off a cold or strep throat or something nasty that has caused my throat to throb, the inside of my nose to scab up, and a mild headache. I am not an isolated case in that my staff is suffering through it as well. However, I am drinking vitamin C, taking vitamins, eating well, and getting much needed rest. There was a virus that nearly took down the entire hospital and despite all the challenges, my team handled the day like champs. Because the majority of my team is so unbelievably good, I expect that all of them should be and get easily frustrated by their inability to keep up. I wonder if my expectations are too high and maybe I have set standards that are too high. I want them to learn how to look at the whole picture rather than just one small portion, which is a tough sell. The better you are, the more others expect. Maybe I have fallen into that trap.

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