Monday, March 16, 2009

Good News or Bad News - You Decide!

So good news! I am sick! No, I mean there is really something medically wrong with me - two things actually. I am excited about this because it means I am not crazy and have not just turned into a lazy cow. So the extent of my diagnosis is still unknown - the office would only tell me so much over the phone, so I have to go see my physician for the full court press next Monday.

So I am borderline diabetic, which I figured out by the way I feel now that I have given up sugar. Minus the 3 day detox, which was hell, my energy level changed overnight. I am not 100%, but I am better than what I was. So pair that with a thyroid that is not functioning properly and no damn wonder I am dragging ass.

On a high note, I have been on my plan for a week tomorrow and today I weighed in 7 pounds lighter. It is a huge victory for me in that I have the hardest time getting my first 5 pounds off whenever I make it a goal to lose weight. Now, before we overly excited, I have a lot more to go but we are taking a week at a time!


sllygrl said...

I'm so 'excited' for you! Seriously not excited that you are sick, but very happy for you that they have nailed some things down so you can move ahead knowing what you have to deal with. Only good things ahead for you my sweet friend....Thanks for the kick in the pants - I really needed it..

pregamejocelyn said...

I am glad to hear this. I was wondering how long these updates were going to go on before I had to send a "listen, something seems wrong" email.

COLOgal said...

I am blonde afterall and sometimes it takes me a bit, even a knock over the head!