Sunday, March 8, 2009

And We're Back...

And I'm back. This past two weeks has been nothing but meetings, metrics, interviews, school work, house work, and being sick. Seriously. I have had a few tantrums in there as well, but when I look back at my schedule - I have almost nothing to show for it, except for the stuff that I do.

On the upside, I am back to a place of self-loathing regarding my weight and lack of mileage. I am mad and in the "Oh F It" place and so that gives me license to eat like crap, which then puts me in a place of feeling guilty, which then carries onward and upward from there. I have two weeks off of school and I am hopeful that I will get my act together in that time.

So, the Biggest Loser controversy is making me a little sick to my stomach. When I watched the show, I thought What is wrong with me that this man, who is still grossly overweight, can run a marathon and I cannot? Well, he did spend 6 hours a day, 7 days a week for like what 8 weeks exercising, but still.... Then I heard what he said on the Today Show about the staffer wanting a great shot, Well, I can see that, but you are trading your integrity and that it just not ok. I do not care who he is and to be honest, you are not being paid to create effect. You are a participant in a weight loss show that is meant to inspire all of us fatties to get off our arses. Bad form and based on the people who made bad choices in the past, he will not win. I am still questioning where to go from here with the show and unfortunately, I really like these people. I have stake in their game and in the trainers. I have not stopped watching, but I am going to think twice before getting involved in the next season!

1 comment:

sllygrl said...

I'm glad you are back and I wanted you to see a blog that a friend of mine is linked to, its apparently someone she knows. But I wanted you to see that there are a lot of people just trying to get in shape and trying to do that via running. It's at

Miss you...