Monday, March 30, 2009

Is it possible that I am back?

So I got up on time, left my house on time, made it to Starbucks in time, and got to work early. I am so hoping this means I am back. I stopped by the local Jazzercise facility to see if they were open yet, but no such luck. I am losing an average of 5 lbs a week and so of course, I have gone to that place in my head that says, if you start running, you could lose 25 pounds a month. Yes, this is almost obsessive and I am really trying to reign in that kind of behavior. If I don't, I will wind up 95 pounds sucking on a crack pipe. Ok, not really, but I am moderation challenged.

In other news, I am taking two classes this session - which is 8 weeks long. I am taking Crisis Intervention and Statistics. I laugh when I think about actually taking Crisis Intervention as between my parent's house and working at the Knife and Gun club, I could realistically teach the course. I need two term paper topics and have so much I could draw on from both experiences.

The idea of graduating with my Bachelors has become such a reality and I cannot believe this can be true. I have always wanted my degree, but never felt like it was possible or that I was worthy. Not only am I excited by my pending degree, I am looking at MBA programs. Oh what a difference a few months make.

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