Tuesday, April 7, 2009

14 Down, Oh so many to go.......

So I have been on this eating plan for four weeks now (apparently the detox week doesn't count) and have lost almost 15 pounds. My goal is to get closer to 20 pounds lost this week. I am not sure if it is possible to lost a little more than 5 pounds before Saturday, but I am going to try to add some exercise towards the end of the week. I am starting to get my energy back, which is great since it is too early for my thyroid medicine to be actually working. I have another 2-4 weeks before that will work. My husband is suggesting that I start strength training and so I think swimming will provide both cardio and strength training. He knows I want to run - I just want to run. Patience is a virtue - if only I had that virtue!

1 comment:

sllygrl said...

14 is great! I know its tempting to get out there and start sprinting, but - and I know you know this - do it smartly, don't end up taking one step back - running will come, I know it...