Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boobs and Hair

Even though I am a pretty private person when it comes to my own weight loss journey (well ok, in person), the fact that I am getting smaller everyday does not escape the people I see on a daily basis. Even more so, there are people who see me every other day or so and those people can really see a difference. Unfortunately, I have gone to that place in my head where I am no longer losing weight and am instead gaining it all back and then some. I know, crazy.

Anyhow, I have been asked by a couple of the men if my husband is the jealous type and what kind of reaction he is having to my losses. My husband is not the jealous type in that he knows I am dedicated to our marriage and am in the best place with him possible. The thing he always says when we talk about this is that men pay attention to me now because I have a dynamic personality and am what he describes as flirty and I classify as friendly. Of course, I would not know someone was flirting or interested in me unless they hit me over the head with something. Not that it matters since I am in love with my husband and no one has ever loved me as well as he has. He has loved me back to health.

The other interesting thing is that I have a lot more weight to lose - I mean a lot more. There are men out there that like a curvy woman and Hispanic men seem to fall into this category. So I have one man who is very concerned that I am going to lose too much weight and lose the parts that make me a girl. I laugh at this because even at my thinnest, I was nothing more than boobs and hair - after all, it was the 80's.

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