Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Cannot Even Manage a 4 Hour Work Day

So this week has been a whirl wind and I think that will be true from now until Labor Day. I have not gone to my trainer all week, but I am exhausted and weak from the work out my life is right now. I will go back next week, but that will be my last until after the DNC. Tuesday night was my book club and I had such a good time. We read The Red Tent, which is written from the perspective of Dinah - the daughter of Leah and Jacob. I am not all that familiar with the Bible, or the story, but I loved the book as it was told like a story and not as chapter and verse. Next we are reading Perfume, which is about a serial killer - yes, we are a diverse book club! Wednesday nights are a mess for me right now - I stumbled across a reality show that I am now addicted to: So You Think You Can Dance. This kills Thursday nights as well in that it is results night. I guess I can forgive myself for the two night of couch potato in that I am running wild.

G is leaving town tomorrow, which is our 5th wedding anniversary. He and the oldest son are going camping. Now, G is not a camper (he was in the Marine Corp - but like two decades ago) and the son is REALLY not a camper, but they decided to take the trip to celebrate the son's high school graduation. So most women would be upset by this, but I am not one of them. Hopefully they will have fun.

So work is really more than I can talk about right now, but suffice it to say that I do not have a minute in my day to obsess about anything. I am hoping that this big black cloud resolves tomorrow, but I have zero control over any part of it - which of course, is making me crazy.

Someone important to me has suggested I read The 4-Hour Workweek. I will do so because I am intrigued as to why I would be asked to do so, but here are my initial thoughts:
I love to work - I feel satisfied and fulfilled by what I do now. Could I have said that as a high paid sales person - No. Being in the service industry, especially for a "safety-net" facility is a challenge and allows me to grow in so many ways. I have a career path and am excited by the journey rather than the destination, which is new for me. I do not do vacation and/or free time well. I would really like to hear more about the stereotypes I am pursuing and what about my life is questionable. Maybe you can answer that for me, in return, I will read the book.

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