Sunday, July 27, 2008

Migraines and Sleep Depravation

I get migraines and they are miserable. They are the kind that require me to lay in a cold dark room so that I do not throw up. Today was a migraine day and I did really well holding it at bay until early afternoon. I laid down for an hour while my Little watched part of a movie and then decided to feed my misery caffeine, which generally helps. Unfortunately, it was about 6:30 when I had my soda, so here I sit - wide awake, despite the fact that I have to be up in less than 7 hours. And I have to work out with my trainer tomorrow night. And I have a busy day. And I am playing the part of single mother. And so I thought I would bore us all to sleep with this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried acupuncture for your migraines? It works very well, doesn't have any side effects and doesn't hurt (seriously). You should find a good acupuncturist in your area. I've helped a lot of people become migraine-free and I think it's something every migraine sufferer should consider.