Friday, December 5, 2008

No Success for Me To Fear This Week

So I talked about my fear of success and I have found some information on how to start to deal with this. This is what I have found thus far:
  • Fear of success is the:
    Belief that you are undeserving of all the good things and recognition that come your way as a result of your accomplishments and successes.
    Opposite of fear of failure, in that fear of failure is the fear of making mistakes and losing approval. Fear of success is the fear of accomplishment and being recognized and honored.
    Lack of belief in your own ability to sustain your progress, and the accomplishments you have achieved in your life.
    Fear that your accomplishments can self-destruct at anytime.
    Belief that there are others out there who are better than you, who will replace or displace you if you do not maintain your performance record.

The list was longer, but these are the ones that spoke to me. In addition, I suffer from the annoyance of my own failure. I have failed myself and subsequently others, much this week. I am not focused at work the way I should be and am not delegating tasks and so they are going unaccomplished. I am running extremely short-tempered and I am not sure if I am not sleeping because I am mad or if I am mad because I am not sleeping. There is also the possibility that I am hormonal. G's ex-wife wants more money - as if this seems shocking. My patience with the department in its current state is waning. We are about to make a huge change in our environment and the negativity surrounding this unprecedented undertaking is ridiculous. I am not exercising because it is cold outside, I cannot get motivated enough at night to pack my gym bag, and I am just too tired. I am eating terribly because I am tired and grumpy and all of this is a vicious cycle. If you have any thoughts as to how I can get off of this roller coaster, please send them over.

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