Sunday, December 28, 2008

Vacation Diet of Chocolate and Real Meat - the stuff of GI Suffering

So Christmas came and went and it occurred to me that I had another 10 days of vacation. I don't do well on vacation unless I have a schedule. I eat poorly, I sleep too much, I do not interact with people - which is bad for an extroverted personality, and I find myself on the couch watching whatever the hell and then berating myself at the end of the day for accomplishing nothing. So once I started responding to email from work and answering calls, G started getting spooked that I would ditch the vacation plan and head back to work. Don't laugh, I have done it before. So instead, he got me addicted to a XBox game that had me as a sorceress shooting spells at monsters, trying not to die, and grabbing treasures to buy new, better gear. Yes, I spent two days doing this. The construction of the three story Barbie Dream House followed. I cannot tell you how big this house is, so I've showed you. Barbie and all her friends are hooked up. The top is a media alcove and G was in awe of her surround sound. Of course he is not happy unless I can hear the movie he is watching in the basement from my office on the 2nd floor. He gets less happy when I start yelling, complaining, and stomping of the floor of the various level - no one said being married to me was a dream right? All in all, vacation is going well - but I have to change my diet of chocolate and real meat to something lower fat. Stay Tuned.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simply devine!!!!