Friday, January 16, 2009

Does This Count As A First Date?

G and I celebrated 10 years together tonight. Anniversaries are very important to G and we celebrate the day we became a couple as well as our wedding day. We went out to dinner and had an amazing evening sitting and talking with one another. The interesting thing about this relationship is that it is a second marriage for both of us and that comes with pros and cons. I have a wall around me that is thick and towering. I do not easily share my emotions and am always fine, no matter the truth to that. G went through a nasty divorce where the money grubbing whore used everything she knew about him against him in court, out of court, where ever it suited her fancy. The reality is that we are not best friends and we are not 100% trusting of one another and I have never thought about the possibility of growing old with him. It is an interesting place to be in a 10 year relationship that has been fraught with battles that we have had to fight together.

At some point in our evening, I began to go all in and vest myself fully into our relationship. G had the same experience and we are in a good place of admiration, adoration, and deep love. Like everything else, this will take work and I am only starting down my own path. His fear is that I will become healthy and whole and he will not be who and what I need and want for my future.

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