Saturday, January 3, 2009

Still 1000 Things To Do

So I woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday. That is a side-effect of vacation - you really have no idea what day or time it is at any given point. Not that I mind, but I would sure hate to get up and go to work when I don't need to as much as I would hate to not go in when I am supposed to.

There are a 1000 things I want to have done before I go back and I started some of them today. My dry cleaning is back and the house is stocked with food. I have washed my sheets because who doesn't love clean sheets and I have cleaned the 1st floor of the house. I would like to get a little more organized in my bedroom, my closet, get Chloe's laundry done, finish what I have left of my laundry, and get some meals pre-made for the week. One of my goals for my new year is to get organized and stay organized so that I can pursue eating better and getting regular exercise into my schedule.

The thing I appreciate most about the time I took off is the rebuilding I did with my family. Sure there were days in which G and I got on each other's nerves. We are not the people who can live in bliss 365 days a year. Some people don't understand that, but what you have is two type A personalities that have to have a sense of purpose, even on vacation, and are driven. We are passionate, which has its own set of pros and cons, and we are intellectual, which means our arguments sound like the inside of a courtroom. But he and I were able to connect in a way we have not been able to in many years. It was nice to slow down and live in a way that we naturally live.

My daughter, oh boy, what can I say about my daughter. She is so lovely and clever and says interesting things. She is beautiful and logical and also passionate with a strength of conviction. Arguing with her is also comparable to the inside of the court room, however in this case, I am an attorney facing a judge that is one step away from throwing me in the clink for the night. Last year, Little and I were trapped in the house for several weeks due to the weather but it was a different time and I was in a different place, so I could not fully appreciate my daughter the way I can with a clear head. I am totally madly in love with this child and I will cherish every moment I am able to spend with her. She is truly the best gift G has ever given me.

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