Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One Day At A Time....

So I joined a Weight Management Support group at work. This was a big step for me for a number of reasons, one being that I do not tend to bring my personal baggage into my professional surrounding. Instead, I work under the assumption that if I put on my smiling face, no one will ever know that I am not really that person. Not to say that I am not that person most of the time, but I have my moments.

There are a lot of women in the group and it is being run by psychology residents-which is great since we are all educated people and know what we need to do to be healthy - and probably means that they are going to get into our psyche a bit. We have set up rules, one being confidentiality about the members, which helps me relax a bit.

I learned a lot just thinking about the questions they were asking of us and I am more present in my goals and what it will take to achieve my goals. One day at a time....

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