Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Count Down Continues.....

I woke up at 2:45 am and thought, "Oh God, I wonder if Germans like PowerPoint presentations". A normal person would roll over and go back to sleep, but as we know, well, I am just not normal. So I got up and ran downstairs, dogs right behind me, grabbed my PDA, and started writing an email in the dark. Of course, I hear little feet and my girl gets on the couch asking what I am doing. So she and I slept on the couch for an hour and then headed off to the guest room where we have a queen size bed. So the Little, myself, and one dog shared the bed, while the other dog laid on the floor, sighing heavily. I know she was pissed that we had left G upstairs alone. There are times when I love sleeping with my Little and this was one of those nights! I am exhausted and just said to my co-worker, My Brain hurts and not in a good way. But I leave on Sunday, so I want to get my time in.

In other news, the Dow has plummeted, there is a Hurricane in the Atlantic, and Michael Vick may have some jail time. I for one, am thrilled and think that a year is not quite long enough. We have a consultant in our office and he knows that I am a conservative GOP loyalist. Mr. Smith came back to ask me today if I had seen the light. I want ranting about the Chinese and their toy recalls, so maybe they should just stop trying to poison our children with their lead. Let me say this about my politics: If there is gender based legislation, you can pretty much guarantee it is going to screw women to benefit men - so I fight it. If there is harm to a child or to animals - I fight it. If it involves the evil Chinese or the worthless French - I fight it. I am my own Republican and that is what makes this a great nation. In any other country, I would have been stoned long ago. God Bless America!

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