Saturday, August 11, 2007

Odds and Ends

Mitt Romney won the straw poll in Iowa. The road to the White House seems to start earlier and earlier. I will have A LOT to say about this election, but choose to stave off my ranting and raving for as long as possible.

One more reason not to buy a Chrysler, as if we need one, those morons hired Bob Nardelli. Yes, the ex-CEO of Home Depot. Yes, he was fired by the Home Depot board, who payed him $210 million dollars to go the hell away. Chrysler thinks maybe he learned something from the ordeal and will pull them out of the unprofitable status they or in...or they are expecting him to fail so that they do not burn in hell when they sell to the Chinese. Note to Chrysler Board: You will in fact burn in hell when you sell to the Chinese. Could someone explain to the Board that China holds our debts and is threatening to send us into a recession if we do not back off our demands to cease their little bomb producing industry and stop selling shit products to the United States. Hmmmm, could it be, could it be Satan? Seriously!

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