Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Introspection and Too Much Protein

Recently I wrote the following to a friend of mine who is in the midst of a divorce and has two small children as we were catching up:

"Lots is happening in my world, mostly I am trying to find myself - as ridiculous as that sounds. I am reading a lot and trying to be introspective as much as possible. I making lists of things that are making me crazy and unhappy in an effort to figure out what I need to do or seek out that will make me happy. Is this a mid-life crisis? Am I even old enough for a mid-life crisis? What it boils down to is that I am getting to old to accept certain things, behaviors, etc and have high expectations for my environment and for myself. "
So to that end, I am reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, which highlights her effort to find herself, beginning with a painful divorce that she initiated. I have also started thinking about my last line. I am not getting too old to accept certain things, behaviors, etc....I am beginning to heal the wounds of my past and becoming less tolerable of the abuse that I felt I deserved at one point in my life. Not to say that I am not vulnerable because I am and I think all people are throughout their lives no matter their mental health or clarity.

So despite my new level of activity (I have started walking my dogs before work every morning so that I can work my way back into running long distances with my bad bad knees), I have begun to put on more weight. I have grown frustrated and outraged at this to say the least. This morning, I went to make my protein shake only to discover that I had two scoops in the powder. A large one and a small one that had been hidden within the powder - leading me to believe that it came with the product and is the actual scoop I should have been using. So long story short, for the past 6 or so weeks I have been putting on weight like a wrestler and consuming enough protein powder in my breakfast shake to put an Olympian to shame. And the last thing I need on me is more weight as I am a struggler and trying to get back into fighting shape so that I can get back into running. I think I will start discussing my struggles here as I have been asked to do so.

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