Saturday, August 18, 2007

This post is boring!

I am in a panic about my trip tomorrow and as such I am having the weirdest dreams. I am also waking up in the middle of the night thinking about what I should take and my presentation and how to say things in German. I am falling apart, which is bizarre for me because I am good at what I do. It has to be all about the plane trip.

So today we watched Stargate SG-1 Season 10. We are only into disc 3 with several more to go. I am not a SciFi fan, but there are some shows that really enjoy. I was pretty over it when Richard Dean Anderson left, but I am digging the story line with Claudia Black. There is a romantic husband that she left behind and a bond with Daniel Jackson. Remember, I am a sucker for romance and passion.

I am watching the Bronco game and G has to continue to remind me that 1) Chloe is asleep and 2) it is a Pre Season game in which the first string has only been on the field for 25 plays. That being said, Mike Shanahan is already questionable with me for the way he handled Jake Plummer. Thus far, I am not impressed with this Cutler child. I love and I mean love John Lynch. That man has heart and soul.

There are a few things that make me yell at the television like a lunatic - football, sometimes baseball, and Meet The Press! Interestingly enough, they will all three be on TV for the next couple of months.

This is a rather boring post, I just wanted to have something on air before I left town as I do not know if I will have enough access to post

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