Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010: Day Seven

So today I received confirmation that I have completed the requirements necessary to graduate minus this current term and a CLEP test I need to take for a level 100 class that is too ridiculous to take. I cannot believe that I am so close and could have my degree at the end of March. I could have my MBA acceptance by the end of April. I could be in the MBA program by May and have a Masters degree in hand in 2011. But, I am getting ahead of myself, I am sure.

This month I will celebrate two years with my organization. Two years in my new life and I feel so satisfied. Had I not pursued the career change, I would not have thrust myself into building a career and would not have pursued the completion of my degree. My husband and I have rebuilt our relationship and I have become a better mother. I have incredible mentors and leaders that model behaviors consistent with leading by example. I have been given opportunity to walk down the path of becoming the very best me. There is never a day when I feel bored or under-utilized. I have been given the opportunity to rise and shine and I am so very grateful for that.

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