Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ode to Buckys

So I am a true Bucky's girl. There are days in which I make two runs, one before work and one after or during. This has been a hard week with lots of work, work, work, and so I went this afternoon for a nonfat treat. The cars parked outside range from high end luxury automobiles to those that have duct tape holding the bump in place. Inside, is a potpourri of diversity. There is an older woman sitting in the corner with burgundy hair fashioned in a mo hawk and a couple of people chatting over spreadsheets in suits. Mixed with studious looking souls covered in ink are stay at home mothers chatting it up before the kiddos get out for the day. There is no rhyme or reason to whom partakes in a Bucky's beverage, except that we are all inter-related by our loyalty to the green and white.

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