Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010: Day Three - Choices

Almost a week ago G and I were called to the ex-wife's house to confront our middle son regarding some bad choices he was making in his life. We took away his phone, his car, his freedom, and potentially his opportunity to start college early. We are meeting again tomorrow to decide his fate and his "probation". Choices seem to be a theme in my life right now as I am still in the mode of teaching my 20, 17, and 5 years that there are consequences to bad choices. In thinking about my habits, or bad habits as they are, I discovered that I am not a role model for making good choices 100% of the time myself. There is a lot to be said about who I am and my dedication to work ethic and achieving my goals, blah blah. However, when it comes to my health, I have some control that I do not exert. I do not always eat the right thing, I do not always exercise on a regular basis, and I do not always deal with stress in a healthy way. Does this make me unable to guide my children towards making good choices?

1 comment:

sllygrl said...

Not being a parent - I can't quite say - it could go either way, but most times I think leading by example is a good way to go about things. Mostly I just want you to be good for you, so I tend to make decisions based on that and that alone...