Saturday, January 23, 2010

Love Lost

I am currently reading the most amazing book. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. It has been a couple of years since he wrote the book and almost two years since he died. The book is meant as a time capsule for his children as his oldest was 6 when he died and his youngest is only a baby. Today I watched the Lecture from the Oprah episode and the interview he and his wife conducted with Diane Sawyer. I cannot imagine the heart-break, which got me thinking about Todd Beemer and his wife, Lisa (?) from 9/11. Is it better to know that the love of your life has months to live, leaving you to live your life without them, knowing that each special occasion will be the last the two of you will spend together? Or is it better to wake up to the loss of your great love, not having those last moments to appreciate, but not watching them die slowly over time? Then I started thinking about those who love the one who got away and they let them go. They move on to live their lives, marry someone, have children, and never face that honesty.

These are the things I should not think about that I do. All three scenarios are tragic and sad and would keep me up at night if I truly considered it. But I love this book.....

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