Monday, October 13, 2008

Did I Say I Was Feeling Better? Silly Me

So I get a call from my doctor's office telling me I must drop everything, leave work, and go to the Emergency Department close to my house. And against my will, I go. It helped that my colleague dragged me to our ED, had my Pulse Ox tested, and it was low. I park my car at 1500, check in at 1505, and sit AND sit. It is now 1547 and I have been triaged by an ED Tech, but not registered. At 1600, I am laying in room 24. My conversation with the triage nurse went something like this"

Nurse: What brings you in today?
Me: (rolling my eyes as I am wheezing and out of breath) shortness of breath, cough
Nurse: Could you not get into your doctor
Me: They sent me here. In fact, they told me to come over here right now
Nurse: (now rolling her eyes) Yeah, they do that a lot.

Ok, so back in the room, my ED Nurse says she hears wheezing in my lungs. We are going to try a neb treatment and then off for a chest x-ray. Yeah, did that last week. Oh and thanks to my latest coughing fit, I have to pee.

Long story, and this is becoming longer and longer everyday, I have asthma on top of my bronchitis. So we, and I say we because my bronchitis has taken on a life of its own, are back to steroids, 3 more inhalers, and oh, this is new - narcotics to help me sleep. I shake like a heroin addict, but without the weight loss.

I am not sure if I am suicidal or homicidal, but the steroids should help me figure that one out!

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