Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Sunday with Tea and My Thoughts

I am the only one up and drinking my last cup of herbal tea so that I might go to bed without coughing all night. I am starting to really get my wings beneath me, but I cannot rid myself of this pesky cough. I will not complain though, it is MUCH better than it was.

The other thing keeping me up is me in my own head. The position my boss vacated is now posted and I am fraught with what to do. I really want the job, but there are a lot of questions. I feel like I am ready for it as I would have strong support from within my own department and I have managed for a long long time. There are a lot of positive changes I would like to make that would effect the organization in a positive way. However, the culture is different than any other I have worked for in the past and I am still working hard to not offend anyone with a mis-step.

Lots to think about and advice to seek.....Oh and there will be lots of tea.


sllygrl said...

do it, you know you can, and you'll regret not doing it I'm sure of it. However, if it interferes with you becoming who you should be (happy, healthy, good mother/wife) then perhaps you shouldn't, maybe your focus is better served on those aspects of your life. Success in work will always be there for you, it always has, it won't magically disappear. But I really want to see you healthy! :)

COLOgal said...

That was exactly the advice I was looking for when I mistakenly asked my husband he thoughts! I need to balance. I am so ready to be running again, but I have been struck with The Plague!

I miss you, but I love you for offering me perspective!