Thursday, October 16, 2008

In A Nutshell.....

It has been brought to my attention that some people actually follow my life through my blog, so I am going to be better about updating my life in the midst of my random thoughts.

I am still trying to get healthy, though today is a bad day for me. I worked too much and did not get enough sleep. I am feeling stretched really thin at work and hope that I am doing a good job of leading by example.

I have turned into that kind of mother in that I have to have my Little registered for 1st grade in January. Her birthday is not until January, at which time she will be 5. She has already been through Pre-School, Pre-K, and now Kindergarten. I am not willing to put her through Kindergarten again, especially in a public school program, when she will have successfully completed a more structured private program because she will not be 6 by October 1st. It is just not happening. So the county in which I live said the good news is that she could test in using the "gifted" child test, but the bad news is that they have not yet created one, though the law was passed at the beginning of this year. Of course not! So I have moved on to talking to private schools - I will keep you posted, but they have not idea who they are messing with. I am on steroids and narcotics for goodness sakes!

My poor husband is complaining that we are living like roommates and have been since the end of September. I am having a hard time not getting pissed by these comments. I mean I know what he means, but it is not like I have not been extremely sick this entire time.

I am totally wanting to get out to run, especially since I am reading the blog of my dear friend who used to be a running partner for me. I am bummed and pouting.

I guess this little life update was neither interesting or really any kind of catch up. I am doing well, just frustrated with being ill. I graduate my Black Belt training at the end of next week and the end of October holds some really interesting meetings at work that I am anxious about (learning opportunities).

Please comment/ask questions etc if I have not touched on something you are interested in!


Luv2travel said...
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sllygrl said...

I am so excited for the good things that are happening, and concerned with the other things that are occurring.

Please take care of yourself. It sounds as if the meds are winding down, which is great. Get outside, breathe a little, even if its on the stairs of your new place.

Don't take on everything at once, slow and steady, I swear it will all come together...