Saturday, November 8, 2008

6 am on Saturday

I had so much to add to my love what you do and the rest will come verbiage, however, I was so tired last night, I could barely think. The most obscene thing about this is that I am now up at 6 am on a Saturday morning, blogging and watching Lilo & Stich with my Little, and drinking apple juice. I am still too tired to be interesting, but had a great day yesterday.

Some backstory - I stepped on the toes of an executive staff member and his employees were furious with me. So move forward two weeks to my meeting with him and I am nervous. First of all, I want something from him that will require him to trust me and Secondly, there is the business of me pissing off his staff. Of course, my intentions were good and I did it thinking that I had the authority to do so based on some miscommunication, but none of this I shared and instead decided to own the error so that I did not come off defensive.

My experience with this particular executive was insanely educational, inspirational, and like none other I have had in the past nine months. He wanted me to get to know him and he wanted to get to know me before we ever got to the meat of the agenda. Seriously, we went way beyond the half hour that was schedule, but I honestly could have hung out with him for a few more hours. In the end, I found more mentoring and another leader.

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