Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cool As A Cucumber!

There was no passing out today. There was the Executive Staff and the inside of the Executive Board room, and clapping, and names being called, and a Black Belt with our corporate logo. But there was no passing out! And can I just say I looked lovely in a black skirt suit and a jade silk shell. I'm just saying!

So this little accessory of mine does not come without a price and that price is that I have to submit a report representing a lean process to the CEO of our organization on the 10th of each month. The clock is ticking and I am trying not to freak out. My husband says I thrive on this type of pressure and maybe he is right, but I really am trying to not freak out. I am also chomping at the the bit to get back to my degree program. I have approximately 40 credit hours and then I can start looking at Masters programs. This gets me back to my parents and why couldn't they have been the normal supportive, send your kid to college parents, but then I have to stop myself from going down that road because it makes me mad and bitter and resentful.

Instead, I will focus on all that I have that they never did and that my brother never will. It does not make me happy that I am more fortunate, it just makes me not take it for granted.

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