Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Step Forward....

I am satisfyingly exhausted tonight. I have done good work and I have physically exhausted my body through good work and exercise. My daughter had an outrageous fit this evening, and I was a great Mommy. It sounds like everything is coming up roses, but I have had some very frustrating moments that required me to breathe.

I have passion and I have anger. Sometime the two get blurred into one big emotion. I want my passion to drive me and inspire me. I want my anger to subside and dissipate into a puddle of waste. I often think about the regret I feel and the issues I have surrounding my failure to be what I wanted to be and to have the life I thought I should/would have and if I can let go of that I can have the life that I can build for myself without the baggage I currently have.

1 comment:

sllygrl said...

I'm going to sound all 'Dalia Llama' or however you spell it, but seriously as soon as you let it go it will come to you. I swear. It's a hard lesson to learn, but one that will serve you well if you can.