Thursday, November 6, 2008

Love What You Do and the Rest Will Come....

I am still exhausted, but not feeling it as much as I should given I got up at 3:30 thanks to my Little and the dogs. I am pretty sure I have exercise to thank for that, but a little adrenaline and a latte in the morning helps I am sure. So I am conflicted. I am trying to maintain my new public servant budget, but I am pretty sure on a dietetic scale, a sugar free vanilla skim milk latte is better for me than black coffee with french vanilla creamer. I am ready to move from a grande to a tall, so really the cost is minimal. Please weigh in on this if you have an opinion!!

Tomorrow morning is the executive staff presentation of our event results and I am a little nervous. I have been told our CEO is coming and I know that both the COO and the CFO will be present. My nerves come from the fact that this is my first event, I want the E-staff to be pleased with both our work and the results, including the positive financial impact this should have, and I want to show that I can add value to the organization with my participation in the Lean process. No pressure or anything.

One of my 20 yr old employees sat down to talk to me today as I have not really seen them this week. It was apparently obvious that I am tired and she mentioned it to me, encouraging me by talking about all the overtime I must be getting. She then realized I was salary and asked me about the bonus program, which we do not have. Jumping topics, she asked me if I ever get overwhelmed by my job. That is a great question because I am feel overwhelmed at times. It is not my job though. My job is fairly simple and I think that I have become a competent Supervisor. I have a lot of tasks that the other Supervisors do not as I have more employees than one and more responsibility than the other. So where I start feeling overwhelmed is when I have to be two Supervisors, the manager, and the Director all in one. I told her that I make it through each task and each day through the love of my job and that I was so impressed by the employees that work for me. You have to love what you do and the rest will come.

1 comment:

sllygrl said...

Depending on how much vanilla creamer you use, the black coffee is actually better for you. It has less calories anyway. I think those small creamers have like 20 calories each, but honestly, if you like the latte better, I'd go with the latte. With everything you are doing, I'd wager those calories have been burned off by about 9am.

You are on such a great road with your job and everything else, I'm so happy for you, seriously...